From: Mike Savage (
Date: Sat Mar 30 2002 - 14:56:51 EST
I too have experienced random kernel oops as well as lockups triggered by
performing netstat against the 2.4.18-ctx9 kernel. This was using a
2.4.18-ctx9 kernel, running on a Compaq DL360...dual PIII system with 4 GB
RAM. I had compiled the kernel myself, which also included a patch from
Compaq using the latest stable driver for the Compaq smart2 array. I then
backed down to using 2.4.18-ctx8, also including the Compaq smart2 array
driver patch and the system is rock-solid so far. I am currently utilizing
two vservers, each running a copy of a J2EE application server I have been
working on which uses apache/jboss/tomcat pointing to an Oracle backend.
During my load-testing, I have been able to throw heavy workloads at both
vservers for tests lasting well over 24 hours. I am currently running a
lighter load test over this weekend to evaluate stability over a period of
several days...a load that would more closely resemble what the system would
see in production. I will post again once I have more data regarding my
extended loadtests.
On a side note, I was wondering if anyone has been working on any vserver
patches against kernel trees that are more experimental in nature, ie, maintained by Jörg Prante, or
maintained by Michael Cohen.
Thank you for your time,
J. Michael Savage
Datastream Development
Datastream ASP Hosting Services
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