RE: [vserver] Unification bug?

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From: John Lyons (
Date: Tue Feb 26 2002 - 10:22:12 EST

> but allows
> for that hard link to be unlinked so that you could replace
> the file. If I understand correctly,

Hmm, if this is correct then there are implications here.

ie I build 10 unified vservers. That's nice, low disk usage, shared binary
files and libs keep the server running well.

If each root vs user decides to have a go at removing say apache/php/mysql
and installs their own, then on the basis of what you've said above they
could easily delete the packages and install their own. I then have 10
servers using a bigger chunk of disk space and using separate binaries/libs
so performance suffers.

Same would be true if someone subscribed to Up2Date as their vs could very
quickly become out of sync with the other vs's.

I'm just trying to think of the implications for using this in a commercial
environment from the position that we need to maintain a set of almost
identical vs's allowing the users to customise conf files for existing
packages, add new packages but not to be able to modify the existing
packages wrt removing or upgrading.

Have I missed something here or am I roughly correct in my concerns?


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