From: klavs klavsen (
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 07:30:47 EST
Hi guys,
I finished the man pages for the vserver binaries.
I couldn't find a proper man-editor, and had to use manedit.
This means, that the formatting of the man pages could have been a lot
better. I've done my best with the program available :-)
If you know of a good editor, or have the time/need to improve upon the
formatting yourself, please do so :-)
I hope they are all correct. I found some extra --options for reducecap,
by using strings and looking in the source code. I hope I didn't
misunderstand the --flag option?
Well here's the Man-pages for all you vserver users. Please take a look,
and check for mistakes. If they are all ok, I believe Jacques has
already said he'll include them with the next vserver-utilities version.
-- Regards, Klavs Klavsen-------------| This mail has been sent to you by: |------------ Klavs Klavsen - OpenSource Consultant -
Get PGP key from - Key ID: 0x586D5BCA Fingerprint = A95E B57B 3CE0 9131 9D15 94DA E1CD 641E 586D 5BCA --------------------[ I believe that... ]----------------------- It is a myth that people resist change. People resist what other people make them do, not what they themselves choose to do... That's why companies that innovate successfully year after year seek their peopl's ideas, let them initiate new projects and encourage more experiments. -- Rosabeth Moss Kanter
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