From: klavs klavsen (
Date: Thu Feb 21 2002 - 04:18:33 EST
On Wed, 2002-02-20 at 20:35, Jacques Gelinas wrote:
> bind in newer distribution runs as user named. So combining the special
> user ID + chroot is very robust.
> the issue of chroot and vserver was important because a vserver has to
> allow root process inside the vserver and as such has to allow chroot system call
> in many cases. But in general, to jail a process using chroot, you switch to
> another user ID. then chroot is reliable and robust.
Thankyou for that tip :-)
This is something for the FAQ I think. I'll put together some points, as
soon as I've finished the Man-pages :-)
-- Regards, Klavs Klavsen-------------| This mail has been sent to you by: |------------ Klavs Klavsen - OpenSource Consultant -
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