Re: [vserver] memory

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From: Thomas Preissler (
Date: Fri Feb 08 2002 - 09:24:17 EST

* wrote on 08 Feb 2002:

> Hi,
> > > I installed vserver yesterday. I'm very impressed! I did have some problem
> > > with the init scripts since I'm not running RedHat. But now it's working.
> >
> > Which problems exactly did you have?
> >
> > I can't start my rc-Scripts with init, too.
> >
> > I use plain SuSE 7.2.
> I use Debian. And I changed vserver script:
> #STARTCMD="/etc/rc.d/rc 3"
> STARTCMD="/etc/init.d/rc 2"
> Maybe there is more I have to change. But this is OK for now.
> I did have someproblems with compiling the kernel and vserver-0.10 but
> those problems was just because of me. =)
> > > I have a question, is it possbile to limit the memory for each vserver?
> >
> > Oh, you want a "vulimit", isnt it?
> I don't know. What does vulimit do? And where can I find it?

Sorry. I did not want to confuse you. It was just an idea.

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