named/rdate inside virtual servers

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From: Vlad (
Date: Sun Dec 23 2001 - 22:11:27 EST


I am having trouble getting rdate and named to work inside my virtual
servers. Named works fine on the root server but inside the virtual server
it gives me the following error: "/usr/sbin/named: capset failed:
Operation not permitted" - I have shut down the named service on the root
server and I keep on getting the same error. No firewall at all, starting
it as root.

rdate just dies as "rdate: couldn't connect to host bleh. Connection
refused" (but on both root and virtual servers).

For the record, this is a plain redhat 7.2 install, no firewall, and the
precompiled 2.4.16 kernel from vserver homepage.

Any ideas on whats causing my troubles? Thank you.


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