Re: Vserver is cool but too dependent on the distribution

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From: Kerberus (
Date: Thu Dec 06 2001 - 12:50:34 EST

I am very aware of jail and its capabilities, yet it does lack some of
the features, and manageability vservers implements in its web
application. If you took, jail and vserver and combined them, to no end
it would probably be the "safest" secured web host environment, and
security is a must ... see youll understand what i

On Thu, 2001-12-06 at 11:45, Konstantin Starodubtsev wrote:
> > Pssst, lurker here..... jus my .02 cents.
> >
> > Not to knock you guys, but one drawback is it runs only on linux... not
> > any of the *BSDs, I heard at one point there was supposed to be a "port"
> > but that was last year sometime! Im sorry but i wount chase dependent
> > rpms all over the net with a linux box. BSD is so much more straigh
> > forward... but unfortunatley "vserver" is linux specific. So I would say
> > not only to dependent on diistribution, but also on the OS itself.
> >
> it's no need to port it on FreeBSD - it is already has jail.
> Though it is already less powerful than vserver but still usable :)

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