mini-debian-vservers-016.tgz ------ small debian woody for use in vserver package. not as small as it could be... ------ installation: - untar to vserver's (empty) "root" directory - edit vserver's configuration - start the vserver - enter the vserver - CHANGE the root password - change /etc/apt/sources.list to a mirror near you - apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade ------ notes: - this image starts ssh by default ------ modifications: (compatibility with vserver scripts) - /etc/rc.d this symlink points to /etc/init.d - /etc/init.d/rc.d this symlink points to /etc/init.d (vserver additions) - /sbin/vreboot and /sbin/vhalt vserver-0.16 utils - /etc/fstab and /etc/mtab to make mount happy (devices) - /dev as proposed by vserver package (misc) - /dev/.devfsd to fool MAKEDEV :) ------ debian? what's that? vserver? what's that?